Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine Surviving Planet X Passage by J.M. McCanney
Strong winds and land hurricanes, tearing up Earth and vegetation (which will later form coal)
Erratic weather, like snow in the tropics
Influx of chemicals such as water, ammonia, and hydrocarbons
Contaminated water supplies
Visible electric discharges between planets and moons
Colorful auroras, trumpet- and whistle-like sounds caused by discharging
Frequent magnetic reversals allowing radioactive particles to enter our atmosphere, causing gene mutations and new species
Blotting out of the Sun leading to mini-Ice Age
Meteor stream impacts
"Plagues" as electric currents force insects and vermin out of the ground
"Pillar of fire" as Earth forms an electrical connection with Planet X, scorching the Earth and producing deafening noise
If the object is larger than Earth, the loss of atmosphere and oceans; if smaller, massive pollution events
Physical pole-shift, displacing continents and causing the flash-freezing of animals (e.g., the Wooly Mammoths) and causing earthquakes and the eruption of old and new volcanoes
The above resulting in an altered orbit, rotation, and tilt of the Earth, requiring a re-calibrating of our calendar (for which McCanney gives practical instruction in the pamphlet)
Surviving Planet X Passage by J.M. McCanney
Strong winds and land hurricanes, tearing up Earth and vegetation (which will later form coal)
Erratic weather, like snow in the tropics
Influx of chemicals such as water, ammonia, and hydrocarbons
Contaminated water supplies
Visible electric discharges between planets and moons
Colorful auroras, trumpet- and whistle-like sounds caused by discharging
Frequent magnetic reversals allowing radioactive particles to enter our atmosphere, causing gene mutations and new species
Blotting out of the Sun leading to mini-Ice Age
Meteor stream impacts
"Plagues" as electric currents force insects and vermin out of the ground
"Pillar of fire" as Earth forms an electrical connection with Planet X, scorching the Earth and producing deafening noise
If the object is larger than Earth, the loss of atmosphere and oceans; if smaller, massive pollution events
Physical pole-shift, displacing continents and causing the flash-freezing of animals (e.g., the Wooly Mammoths) and causing earthquakes and the eruption of old and new volcanoes
The above resulting in an altered orbit, rotation, and tilt of the Earth, requiring a re-calibrating of our calendar (for which McCanney gives practical instruction in the pamphlet) Is there only one Planet X? There are actually many objects that could be classified as a "Planet X type of object." The solar system was not formed all at one time as NASA would want you to believe and the introduction of new planets into our solar system has happened many times before, and it will continue to happen in the future. We do not know about the locations and orbits of all of these objects and the large telescopes are discovering them all the time. Many of them are in orbits which pose no threat to Earth, but we know that there are some that will pose a threat to Earth eventually.

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